Monday, January 27, 2014



Everyday we take and give chances. We give them to our kids, our spouse, or friends and sometimes complete strangers. In return we are given the same chances. But all too often the first chance isn't taken seriously and before you know it we are on chance 2,3,4 or even 5!! When is enough enough? How do we determine who get more and who doesn't? Is it based on how close we are to the person? Is it based on the situation? Is it the age of the person? all these things play a role.
I have been given more than my fair share of chances. I have a tendency of taking them for granted from certain people. We all do this. But why? Usually we do it to the people that are closest to us. We know they will give us more because they care about us too much. How horrible is that thought? We continuously hurt our friends and family because we can. That's so shameful yet everyone does it. We don't always realize we are though. We don't always see what we are doing until its too late.

What if we all just did what was right the first time? What if we never needed another chance? Too good to be true? Unfortunately, yes. Its all a learning processing. We first must get that initial chance to do something right then fail and go back and hopefully get it right. Its just a shame that some people give too many chances to those who will never learn that lesson. No matter how many chances are given they don't learn because they know they can just keep failing and all will be forgiven. 

When we do this we hurt ourselves more than anything. One day we will look up and see that we have burned every bridge and if any are left they are hanging on by a thread. We have hurt all those people that mean the most to us. We have tainted their feelings for us. Lowered their expectations of us. Is this the life we want? 

Don't our loved ones deserve better? Don't we deserve better? How about the people that give chances over and over? When do you feel enough is enough? Do you eventually accept that this person will never change? Do you make excuses for them? Do you feel you don't deserve better? What is it about that person that makes them so special to you that they can continuously hurt you? Or do you just hand chances out to everyone. The eternal doormat. 

I'm a giver and a taker. I admit it. Some people I know that no matter how many times I fuck up I will be forgiven and will get another opportunity to fuck up. I'm mostly guilty with my parents. My whole life has been a series of chances. Mostly failed opportunities to do the right thing. I thank my lucky stars that my parents love me unconditionally. Especially thru my darkest hours they were there. We give the same chances to our own kids. Doesn't make it any better. 

I give everyone I meet the benefit of the doubt. I believe the best I'm everyone. I have the innocent until proven guilty mentality. This is probably not the best way to live but when people show you the best even in the worst situation the reward is plentiful. I would rather live my life thinking everyone is capable of being amazing and caring than live a life not trusting anyone. I don't always fuck up. I would hope people look at me as always being capable of amazingness before they think of me as a failure. 

If just for a moment I could go back undo my wrongs and have the wrongs against me undone I would be very happy. But the truth is the wrongs all make us better people. You know what they say "what doesnt kill you makes you stronger." This is true. If you have struggled through something you have also learned from it as well.  

Embrace the bad and good moments. Never stop giving or taking chances. But be mindful if you abuse those chances you are indeed hurting others as well as yourself. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Clearing the Air

Clearing the Air

I'm going to make this as short and sweet as I possibly can. I have written many drafts trying to address the topic. I was trying to explain the back story of why me and my husband were getting divorced and where we stand. I really shouldn't have to explain a thing to anyone. But simply because I am so tired of constantly explaining things and being judged I will, so here goes.
Neither of us were perfect in our relationship. We both brought more than our fair share of baggage. We both did things that contributed to us falling apart. I cheated on him a couple of times years ago and he never honestly got over it. He developed a violent and vengeful temper. Neither of us communicated properly in our relationship. We were both mean to each other. We both could have done more.
When we split up I was so angry with him. I should not have thrown all of our business out there. I was so sure I would never take him back because I was so sure he could never change. But how could I fairly deem him too broken to be fixed when I felt I was broken yet fixable? That's not fair.
When I moved out and he came home to an empty house with only a couple couches and the bedroom furniture and his family gone it devastated him. For me it was packing up the house to leave that devastated me. I felt a brief moment of happiness when I got my new house unpacked but I quickly felt incomplete.
Although both of us dated other people while apart neither one of us were happy. We were miserable being apart. Even more miserable than if we were still fighting. Its like we lost a part of our soul. Half of us was missing.
Shortly after him moving back to the house we decided to try and be friends. It took a matter of days before we knew we wanted to actually reconcile. We both decided to do counseling and accept Christ in hearts. This in itself was a HUGE step for him because he was never willing to go to church. That made my decision for giving him another chance. I called the lawyer the next day and asked her not to file the final papers.
Idk if we are going to work out this time or not. I just know that the man sitting in front of me playing Apples to Apples with our children is not the man I have known for 8 yrs. This is the man I always knew he could be. The man that was deep inside that he wouldn't let out. He is HAPPY and KIND and so LOVING. Somewhere he found patience, if you know me I'm very hard to be patient with. He is the father I always knew was in there too. So attentive and loving with the kids.
I have a long way to go as well. I am still leery that this is just temporary. But I have done things to test him that would have normally set his temper off like no other. He doesn't flinch. He just prays. I have to say it takes a lot to impress me and I'm impressed. He is consistent in his change. No glitches or flare up's. He said God opened his eyes and I believe him.
So many people say be cautious and he could still go back to his old ways. Well I personally think he wont and that my marriage working out is worth the risk. So many people helped me and cheered me on thru it all and I'm so grateful for that help. But in the end this is my marriage and my family. I fought so many years to make things work, so you better believe that when a genuine opportunity for happiness with the man I envisioned growing old with comes about, I'm taking it.
We are happy, and by we I mean my husband, our children and myself. That's all that matters. I have had so many people tell me that they went thru the same thing and with hard work and love it all worked out. The people closest to us that know BOTH of us have provided the biggest support in our reunion. This in itself has meant the world to us. We knew there would be critics but we had no idea we would have so many supporters.
I have appreciated the concern from people who just plain care but honestly I take it with a grain of salt from those who have never been married. As much as I never believed it to be true marriage is far more than just a piece of paper. Its not just a relationship. Its not just a break up. Its the union of 2 people who thought enough of each other to stand before god and say I choose them to be with for the rest of my life. It is not something you take lightly and just dispose of. People who can go thru marriage after marriage do NOT know what marriage is about. I promised God that I was going to love this man til death do us part and last time I checked we both have a pulse.
If you support my decision thank you. If not that's ok. But please until you walked in my shoes and have been thru this same situation or something very similar (not just divorce but the whole situation) I don't want your negative Nancy opinions. I sure did listen to a lot of outsiders that had no clue what they were talking about during this ordeal and it almost cost me my family.
I know some of you also think he is a monster and I'm a moron. But monsters can be slain. He is the only one that can fight the monster within him and right now he has God on his side and is doing a mighty fine job. I have my own monsters in me. I'm far from perfect. I'm a very hard person to live with and deal with. My dad has commended him many times over the years for being able to deal with me cause Lord knows he couldn't lol.
So again please stop and think before you judge us and anything else we do. Also stop and think before you judge anyone else. You don't know what they are going thru unless you can honestly say you have been there done that. I don't care how many details you know about the situation, until you live it you have no idea what its really like.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Great Wall of Katie


The Great Wall of Katie

I have had some people ask why don't I blog about the good in my life? I have others who love the rawness of my blogging. I say all the ugly truth no matter how bad. Some people want the light and fluffy unicorn shit and others wants the deep dark creep into your inner most thoughts and feeling stuff. I know I am more inspired to write when I'm not so happy. Writing is my way of channeling my emotions in a healthy manner.

Ever since I can remember I have put walls up to keep people from seeing my feelings. Very few people have heard me SPEAK in a raw and uncensored format. Uncensored as I bare my soul to you. I have spoken candidly with several people. But very few saw ME. I don't like people getting thru those walls. And unless you catch me in a VERY vulnerable state you will never get in. I recently let someone in my walls and they were speaking nothing but lies. Maybe not the whole time but they definitely left me jaded. It takes so much for me to let someone in I felt like, how dare you abuse my trust like this?

It's sad really because I always block the wrong people out. It's like the more important you are to me the less I want to share with you because I don't know if you will like who I really am. I have also trusted people with my deepest darkest secrets and they in turn threw those things in my face. They used the things that hurt me most in life against me to hurt me even more. Who does that? Spite is an evil EVIL thing.

I want to write about more positive stuff but right now I am trying to figure Katie out. Idk who I am or what I want I just know that I don't just have walls up I have a fortress. I wasn't just jaded in my life, I allowed myself to be jaded, often times I did it to myself. I am giving you all glimpses into my soul. The good the bad and the ugly. Some of you may judge me but most of you have NO room to judge. I may be ridiculed for the feelings I feel  but so what they are my own.

I'm always told about how funny I am and how free spirited I am. But the only funny thing is everyone fails to realize that when I am entertaining you with uncensored sarcasm and ridiculous comments its because deep inside I'm crying and a mess. How dare I come around you and you see me weak and vulnerable! Believe me it doesn't happen often. If I am outwardly showing that I am upset I have hit the breaking point. My emotions have become too much for my body to handle. I start to shut down. I can  no longer function and I slip deep into depression.

I get a lot of crap for putting my business out there. But we all think it and go thru it so why not talk about it? I mean honestly if it makes me feel better to express myself thru writing a blog and it isn't actually hurting anyone then what does it matter? Why do you care so much what I blog about? I do ask for the feedback and I know I have to take the good with the bad. But why make me feel ashamed for doing something that makes me feel so much better? I know what risks I take by writing this but those are my choices and my risks.

Emotions can be very scary if we don't handle them properly. When I was around 11 I started writing poetry and I loved reading poems. Men don't understand what it's like going thru puberty as a girl. The only thing men worry about is penis size and facial hair and deep voices. Girls worry about EVERYTHING. Literally everything. That never changes. I had no idea how to process things except for writing. I had several notebooks just full front and back of my poems and my feelings. When I was 14 my parents threw them away cause they were "inappropriate". I never wrote again til I started blogging.

I successfully killed myself on 2 different occasions in the same year. I died and was brought back to life 5 times. I had no outlet for my feeling and I couldn't handle the horror that was my life. Granted I put myself in those situations but none the less I had no outlet. So I decided to end it all. I am glad I lived most days. Some days I still feel like a waste of life. It takes me letting down those walls and expressing myself to someone I can trust to see that I'm not a waste. Its just not as easy as you think.

While me and my husband were apart I drank a lot. I had no idea how to cope. Whether it was a glass of wine in a hot bath when the kids went to bed or a girls night out I was drinking instead of dealing with my feelings. I found 3 people that I entrusted with my feelings. One of which I used as my emotional punching bag. I no longer knew any other form of communication with this person aside from treating them like a shrink. The outcome wasn't good. I pushed everyone away on purpose. I lashed out just enough to keep them at a safe distance. Safe for me.  I refused to let them in. Yes I shared a lot of what was going on with people. But nobody truly knew what was REALLY going on. Even the ones that thought they did had no idea how bad it was.

Nobody likes to feel judged at any point. But our society thrives on judging others. We need it. We need to be able to pick apart someonelse's misery to make ourselves feel less pathetic when we are down. It's like that saying, it could always be worse. We love to know that no matter how fucked up we are someone else is doing worse. It's that justification. Nobody wants to feel like they are a bottom feeder. And why would they? I don't. I don't know anyone that does. But we need to admit that we all are pretty scummy at some point.

My walls protect me. I hope one day I can let them down and cope with all my emotions in a healthy manner instead of just letting them fester and beating myself up about everything. I wish I could really share my story so that I know I'm not alone. So that someone else can know that they are not alone. But I'm too scared. I'm safe behind these walls. You and nobody else can judge me when I'm back here. I say who comes in. I say who can give input. I'm just not ready. I just want to feel normal and I don't know if that is even possible. Normal doesn't exist I know that but there is some form of normalcy I want to be a part of.

My life might not be the best or the prettiest and I may have had more downs than ups. But I'm the only one with the balls to sit here and admit my faults and try to fix them. So if you look down on me for trying to better myself in a way you don't approve of, well shame on you. I would like to see you sit down and admit your faults to anyone with access to the Internet. One day I will take a sledge hammer to these walls and the only thing left behind them will be a happy person who is not afraid anymore.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Confessions of a Side Chick

Confessions of a Side Chick

Hmmmmm where do I begin...

I have been a side chick more times than not. When I was younger I never really had an issue with it. I always said, "Well if I don't know his girlfriend or we aren't friends then I don't care." This was how I justified it in my head. When I was younger I never felt any kind of remorse about the situation. Now when I say younger I mean I was in high school. I have obviously had real relationships, however I always got cheated on. Karma? Maybe. Probably. In a way I felt like the guy was going to cheat regardless. I had 3 kids while being a side chick. I wasn't a secret tho. I always picked winners and they never hid their affairs. As I grew older I started feeling bad about this. Maturity? Yes. I was a side chick again for a few months here recently. Not my finest moments but I cant change it.

 Its funny tho how as you become an adult you would think the cheating would get old and there would be no thrill. I mean as adults we have so much more to lose. We have everything to lose at times. So why do we cheat? Why risk everything we ever wanted and worked for? Why do we justify hurting other people without batting an eye or giving a second thought? Are we sluts? Man whores? Liars? Users? Yes and no. We could very well be all of those things, but mostly we are human.

Humans have this major character flaw (especially Americans), its called greed. Humans are so greedy in everyway. We never liked sharing toys as children and we are never satisfied as adults. We always want more more MORE!!! We tend to forget to stop and smell the roses. We forget that we don't need to have it all. We forget that sometimes what we have is all we need. So we lust after each other. Coveting each others spouses. We flirt and smile and say "Its just harmless flirting." but is it really harmless? Is it really just flirting? What if the flirting was "harmless" until someone had an argument with their spouse and decided to see how interested the other party really is? What happens when that person has and argument with their spouse and decides "Hmmm maybe I will see what this offer is all about?" then that flirting isn't so harmless anymore. Why don't we ever stop to think what a catastrophic event this could be. Why are we so selfish to think we can get away with it? Why do we seem to think we are above the consequences? We are so selfish and think "Well they don't provide me with this or that so I need to get it somewhere." We think that what they don't know wont hurt them. But as the saying goes "What happens in the dark always comes to light". Maybe not today but it always does. Why cant we just stop and speak to our spouses why cant we write them a letter maybe? 

As the one on the side when you know that you are on the side what's the justification? "They don't make them happy so it's their own fault?" "They need to do more so its their fault?" How do we morally justify what's happening? Greed that's how. We think about the attention we need and the affection we need and the intimacy we need. We don't think about the lives or families we destroy in the process. All we want is to fill that void.

Nobody settles for being a side piece because they are happy with themselves. It just doesn't happen. You don't find it ok to be second best because you have high self esteem and love yourself with all your heart. No you have insecurities and don't care where you find your affection and attention. I have had more than my fair share of sexual partners and I'm tellin ya its not because I exude confidence and look in the mirror every morning thinking I'm fabulous and unstoppable. Its because I look at myself as less than. I slept with men and women looking for affection and comfort. Looking for approval and seeking attention. I got their attention alright. Not the kind I wanted. You think doing freaky things will make someone respect you? HA! NO WAY!! You will catch their attention and they will give you what you want til they are done with you. At the end of the night you are nothing but sex. Nothing more.

Don't let their words deceive you. If you were more than that you would be the only one in their life. Your need for approval tricks your heart into false feelings. They will tell you anything and everything to get what they want from you. And because you have no self esteem you will give them anything and everything. But at what cost? What are we really giving them? We are giving them our pride and self esteem. We are giving them our dignity. We are left as an empty vessel. Just nothingness. Then we watch  a romantic movie and listen to love songs thinking "Why cant I find that?"

Someone said to me recently, "If you are out there handing out the coochie all you're going to attract is dicks!" Followed by a lecture on how I am better than that. Now I'm not saying I was just hoeing it up, but I had slept with someone else that I shouldn't have. We will never find the romance if we are just handing out the goods. Who will respect someone like that? That comment came from a person I was intimate with at the time and I was confessing what I had done. They had nothing to gain from telling me that. It opened my eyes. At the time I had no idea I was going to try and work things out with my husband, I just knew I was in a very very bad place in my life. I didn't like this empty feeling. I didn't like chasing affection and attention. A couple hours of satisfaction didn't make up for the days of loneliness. I cried myself to sleep more nights than I was in someone's arms, and that wasn't a good feeling. So why didn't I stop? Lack of self respect.
Here's the sad part. I can say in all certainty that every single person who views this has been the side piece at least once. You have all probably been cheated on at least once. Many of you have also cheated at least once. And don think emotional affairs don't count, cause you bet your sweet ass they do. An affair is an affair. Now not all of you may know you were cheated on or a side piece so don't think it doesn't apply to you. 
Our society plays a huge role in all of this. I have been listening to Pandora while writing this and I cant tell you how many songs are about being cheated on and even worse the proud cheater or proud side chick songs. Our music says its ok to be the one on the side. Its ok to cheat. Our music solidifies all our bull shit reasons as to why our disgusting behavior is acceptable. Certain movies do as well. Others portray the very exaggerated ill affects of affairs as well, i.e. Fatal Attraction. 
As I run thru my opinions and observations I should share with you my feelings. What I did is not something I am proud of. I cant lie and say its completely out of character because I used to be just fine with it. I know the reasons I accepted it now at this point in my life. I can sit and lie to you and say that it always bothered me but I wont. I was selfish and I thought about myself a lot. I believed that it was 'her fault not mine'. I believed someone cared about me and that they were going to leave her. I believed I held a special place in their heart. I believed it all. I believed it because I was sad and scared and refused to listen to my friends and family that it was all lies and that I was better than this and worth more than this. But the biggest of all the lies were the ones I told myself. I'm down right ashamed of my actions. Sometimes I make choices that even I have to step back like "WTF ARE YOU DOING?". This was one of them.
Now I could end this with some profound statement about the new me and how I will never do it again. But I wont be doing that. I think the only thing I can say at this point is, if you are cheating or are on the side step back and evaluate yourself. Evaluate the situation. Why have you stepped out? Why are you selling yourself short as second best? If you are in second place well then honey you need to get a vibrator and a body pillow and go to counseling and find Jesus and have lots of girls nights. You need to dig very very deep inside and look at the downward spiral you are in (you might not even know you're in one). Find a ladder and climb on out. If you are the cheater then you need to look at what you have at home. What is your spouse doing that is so wrong that you need to step out? Is it a sexual issue? Are the day to day frustrations of life becoming too much? Are you not attracted to them anymore? This is your spouse, what is so bad that you cant find the time to talk to them? Write a fucking letter for Pete's sake!!! Believe me if you have enough issues to feel ok in stepping out then you should just leave all together. You better believe this will not make things better. I have cheated on my husband. He pushed me out with the abuse and was unreasonable when trying to talk things out. At that point it became best to leave. I instead chose to have an affair and my life became much worse. That is also a whole nother entry in itself. Just trust me that I know what I'm talking about.
All I am saying folks is stop and look at your lives. Remember for every action there is a reaction. Stop and think if its really worth it before you jump in.  Its the ripple effect of life. Once you cast that stone you may only see the initial splash and a few big ripples then they fade out. They don't stop, the effect keeps going, we just don't always see it, but it will always be felt.     

Time for a Change

Time for a Change

So typically at this time of the year everyone is setting out to better themselves per new years resolutions. I don't believe in them. It's just another stupid thing people do to feel good about themselves for a few weeks then fail and feel bad about themselves then say fuck it and give up til next year. Its just dumb. If you want to change then change. Don't look for a holiday to change. Don't wait til the time is right. Cause will the time ever be right? If we are always  making excuses as to why today isn't the day then its probably not gonna be the day anytime soon. I'm the kind of person who wakes up and says "Yep that's stupid and doesn't work so lets change it!" no pussy footing around and no bull shit. If I want to change something I do. That's it. No weaning or waiting, just cold turkey heaven. I struggle and stumble and fall and cry and whine and kick and scream, but I always achieve my goal. Some of my goals I have fallen off the saddle about a billion and one times but you better believe I get back up and try harder. There is never any shame in trying. Yes we make some monumental mistakes in our lives but if we learn from those mistakes who cares. Never do anything in vein. I have made so many life altering bad decisions that I should be on a one way trip to hell by now. But I have gotten up and learned from them and asked for forgiveness. Yes folks believe it or not I am a Christian. I wont give a spiel in this post, don't want any panties in a wad when I'm trying to make a point. ANYWHO, I always get back on track and move forward. You cant stop believing in yourself no matter what. If you believe you can do better you will do better. Remember good things aren't going to fall into your lap like "Oh look at me here I am, yay lucky you." No you have to work for them you have to do the right things in order to get good things. Are you following me here I feel like I might be rambling but I promise I have a valid point coming.
 So I have been on this "journey" to change my life for a few years. I stopped doing drugs and stopped drinking a few years back. I started drinking again for a little while. I mean I have 4 kids and I run my own business I was going thru a divorce and had a lot going on. Shit I needed some booze. I THOUGHT I needed booze. I haven't touched drugs in years btw *pats self on the back* I am very proud of that.
So my husband had an odd sexual fetish of watching me with other people (men and women). I never quite liked this and ultimately it caused our marriage to crumble. He was not treating me right by any means. He was extremely abusive in every way. This would push me emotionally into other people and I had left him a couple times over the years. So in September this "fetish" occurred. It caused quite a bit of problems and one day took a violent ugly turn. I left. I swore I would never ever go back. I meant it too. I filed for divorce and we were set to be divorced 12/27/13 but because of tax filing purposes and re figuring child support it was postponed. New years eve as I sat alone while my kids slept and I just thought about the year we were leaving behind and what I wanted for the next year I couldn't help but think "Is this what I truly want?" the papers were supposed to be filed on 1/2/14 well I'm in Ohio and in case you missed the memo mother nature took a snow filled shit on us. So the papers weren't filed. He drove to my new house and we got snowed in together. And by the time the courts opened back up I questioned was this really what was best? Was it what I wanted? Was this an act of anger? Could he really change like he said he wants to? Here's that religious stuff again. So I prayed and prayed and I cried like I have never cried in my life. I was so torn by this decision. I knew my kids wanted us back together. I knew I missed him. I knew I had close friends and family questioning if I knew what I was doing. I just didn't know if it could really work out after so many failed attempts. So I prayed some more. I asked God to give me a sign and point me in the right direction. My husband openly admitted to being and abuser. He admitted to how sick and twisted his ways were. And then he went to church with me. And he cried the whole service and at the end he accepted Christ into his life. That was my sign! See for 7.5 years I tried to get this man into church and to get right with God he absolutely wouldn't budge. So him taking this step was God's way of saying "Slow down sister this man deserves one more fair chance with me on his side. " I called my lawyer first thing in the morning and said hold the presses and don't file those papers. She admitted that she was questioning if I wanted to go thru with it especially considering it happened so fast. Again another sign. So here I am now starting fresh with a man I am technically married to. We aren't having sex and we aren't back together. He is courting me. That's dating for anyone who doesn't know. And not like high schooler's date, movies then blow jobs on the ride home. No we are dating. He is romancing me. He is winning me back and mending the heart he didn't just break but he shattered. I admit I have never seen this side of the man I thought I knew better than myself. I have had some interesting feedback. A lot of people haven't been sold on this decision. I'm sure I have been more than a couple 'dumb bitch's' to more than a couple people. That's OK. Nobody but me and my family have to be ok with this choice. And honestly the people that know us the best are very very ok with it. They support us 100% and hope things work out.
 Now onto my actual point. I know you thought I was just rambling but nope I'm still getting there. In the last weekish that I have been open about this I have had more deep, thought provoking and tear jerking conversation than a 3 part Dr. Phil special. I have been so intellectually inspired its unreal. A lot of people comment on how candid I am about my mistakes and feelings, that I'm just so nonchalant in talking about things. I figure why not. If I can't admit to what I have done how can I truly learn from what I have done. I have had conversations with people wanting to change but don't know where to start. People who have changed and are sharing encouraging words. People who are also starting their journey to change and we want to hold each other accountable. I have had so many women say I have inspired them, even after I chose to give it another shot. Because I did indeed stand up for myself and I did indeed face my demons. I thought "Me? Inspiring? Pfffft get outta here. I'm nobody!" But guess what I am somebody. And so are you (whoever you are). You say "No but I'm a slut I cant be anybody." "No I'm a drunk I cant be anybody." I'm sleeping with a married man I cant be anybody!" "I have failed so many times before I'm nothing!" "I'm a drug addict and lost my kids I'm nobody." guess what YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!  You are the only who can tell yourself you are. So what if you did bad things. So what if you still are doing bad things. If you JUST STOP THE BAD THINGS you will show not only yourself but the world that what you do does not define you. Not forever. They say once an addict always an addict. Well I'm addict. But that's cause I was an addict 14 years ago. I changed. I chose to better myself. So can you. You are no different than anyone else out here. Don't let others opinions or your mistakes define who you are. I have been so inspired by the people in my life and how so many people are making changes. Not because of some stupid new years resolutions either, but because they truly want to live the good life. That's a beautiful thing to see so many people I care about want to be better people. It makes me feel stronger and more capable of doing good things. If you surround yourself by good things then everything you do will be steps in the right direction. 
 I gave my husband an analogy today as to what we are doing. Last spring we hired landscapers to dig up our entire back yard and rip out ALL the old dead grass. They had to take out all the bad stuff and haul it away and then lay new soil and mix it and prep it with fertilizer. The new soil was ideal for planting new seeds and growing a plush beautiful lawn. We planted the seeds and laid the straw to protect the new seeds. We tended to these seeds night and day watering them and not letting anyone step foot on them. Cause if they did the seeds would surely die. Then with lots of attention and care the seeds grew to a beautiful plush lawn. Now we all know the saying "The grass isn't always greener on the other side." Sometimes it actually is. In my case leaving my husband put me in greener grass. I was out of harms way. But I kept looking back to the other side and looking at the few patches of healthy grass that battled the storms and held up strong thru it all. I thought maybe just maybe there is still a chance to grow. So by starting over (not just me and him but us as humans in general) we have to replant our lawn. We need to rip up all the dead grass and yank it out by the roots. Don't leave anything behind or it will kill the new seeds. This is confessing our faults and owning up to EVERYTHING, no shifting blame. Then we need to haul it away. This is forgiving and forgetting. Then we need to prep it with fertilizers. This is talking things out and/or counseling. For us this is also committing ourselves to God. Then you plant the new seeds and cover it with straw to protect it. This is starting over. You protect it with commitment. Then every day and night you must nourish it and feed it and don't dare let anyone step on it. Feed it with love and faith. Don't let the outside world and skeptics say it can't be done. Don't let the storms destroy your life. Then before you know it you will have a lush beautiful lawn and your grass will indeed be greener than the other side. It will be rich and strong, not brown and broken like the old grass. See this lawn was built on love. Your relationship will be stronger than ever. Your life will be better than ever. This isn't just applying to relationships. Any obstacle you are facing in life can be overcome just tend to your lawn. There is no better time to better your life than right now. Not next year RIGHT NOW!!!!! If you absolutely cant stand the way things are going in your life then you need to change your life. Period.  
I hope this made sense. I hope you get the point.

Maybe stop and reflect a minute while listening to this song!

Monday, January 13, 2014



I have always had a passion for writing and wanting to share my story. This life I live is quite complicated and very confusing most of the time. Some how I think I always have it under control (at least I like to think so). I have been told many times of the years that I should blog or write a book. I don't have time to write a book and I don't know much about blogging. But here I am spilling my beans to who ever is bored enough to read my 1am ramblings.
 Just for starters I will say I have a unique personality and I'm a little rough around the edges at times. I a mother and kind of a wife. I will make a post all in itself about that one. Right now we are complicated and in limbo and I'm OK with that. I'm a pretty down to earth person. I have a passion for just about everything. I have wanted to be a doctor, a vet, a musician, a singer, a dancer, a nurse, a horse trainer, a chef, a photographer and about a billion and one other things in my life. I enjoy just about everything and I love exploring the world around me. I would love to travel and taste fine cuisine and see beautiful places that only national geographic and uber rich celebs get to go to. I want to explore every hobby and embrace them all. I live for mistakes and life lessons. I think we grow as individuals thru experiences and we can never truly be fulfilled if we have passions in our hearts that we have not explored. Two passions I have are wanting to travel to Ireland and to own my own restaurant. I will achieve those goals one day even if its the absolute last things I do.
 I have severe ADD and I'm bipolar so have fun keeping up. Sometimes I am quirky and crazy and the next minute I'm deep and emotional. And yes this could all be in the same breath or sentence. But who cares. I don't. I have been told my spontaneity is one of my best qualities. Nobody ever knows what to expect when I am around. If I'm in a good mood its like free entertainment. If I'm in a bad mood well then you are better off just staying back, cause chances are if nobody is a moron for about an hour I just might snap out of it. I live for music and the right song can either make or break my mood, no kidding. I tend to cuss, A LOT. Its rather absurd the amount of swear words I can say in a single sentence without thinking twice. I do have the ability to filter but sometimes I forget to turn that filter on.
I guess blogging is supposed to be this nice outlet for many things. Having established my bipolar I will safely say this will be a very public diary so to speak. It will be very random and filled with my thoughts. I think my next post will be letting who ever is reading this a chance to hear some of my story. My story is not a pretty one with lollipops and daisies and unicorns skipping on rainbows. I have had more bad times than good and I have hit the lowest of the low in my day. I'm not proud of most of my choices in life and that's OK. I am who I am today because of what I have put myself thru and what others have put me thru. I wouldn't change any of it, EVER.
Well until next time folks, TOOTLES
(wasn't exactly sure how to end that so ya know)